At New York Psychotherapy and Neuropsychology Group, each client is given a psychological evaluation.  The evaluation consists of a semi-structured interview and standardized instruments sensitive to psychological trauma.  Other instruments are used to assess cognitive style, personality, and support systems already in place.  This information is then used in the development of a treatment plan.   Results are interpreted in the context of an individual’s history, values, religion, and culture.

Everyone is different, so a treatment that works for one person may not work for another. There are several treatment options that have proven to be effective for people experiencing Post Traumatic Stress.  New York Psychotherapy and Neuropsychology Group specializes in the following treatment for individuals experiencing PTSD:

  • Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Exposure Therapy
  • Somatic Trauma Therapy and Body Awareness
  • Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR)

Additionally, treatment involves transforming the individual’s self-concept from victim to survivor as the trauma is resolved in a safe setting in which painful and overwhelming experiences can be explored and healthy functioning can be restored. While this process is sometimes difficult, we will walk by your side on this journey.  We are here for you when you decide to take your first step towards mending the wounds of trauma.

Is PTSD different in children vs. adults?
The misdiagnosis of traumatized children with PTSD is common.  Sometimes a clinician may be unaware of ongoing traumatic stressors (e.g., domestic violence or abuse).  In other cases, the family brings in a child because of new symptoms such as school failure or withdrawal but does not make associations between the child’s symptoms, current events, or events in the distant past.  Without any relevant trauma history to aid the clinician, PTSD may be misdiagnosed.  Children and adolescents with PTSD, are often labeled with ADHD, major depression, oppositional-defiant disorder or conduct disorder.  In some cases, a child may be diagnosed with multiple disorders.  This is especially so when examining co-morbidity in children with chronic trauma as physical or sexual abuse.
What do Symptoms look like in childhood?
Regressive behaviors (toileting, motor skills, language)
Social withdrawal

6-12 years old
Poor concentration
Sleep problems
reenactments of loss in play stories
somatic complaints (e.g., headaches, stomachaches)
fear and guilt
excessive clinging behavior

Shame and isolation
Use of self destructive behaviors to distract from sadness
Acting out: truancy, promiscuity, substance abuse
Premature adult role

Symptoms in classroom
Withdrawal and avoidance
Nervousness, crying, clinging
Physical complaints
Decreased attention span